

The Office of the Gborbu Wulomo Shitse has added his voice to a publication made on the 1st February edition of the Ghanaian Times. The publication which quoted the Nungua Mantse, requested of the Ghana Police Service and other security agencies to “give full support to the General Manager of Top Kings Ltd, Mr. Benjamin Danso who is indeed a son of the stool, to enforce law and order on the land”.
Nungua Stool Lands administration authority rest with the various Clan Heads and the Nungua Mantse and Gborbu Wulomo who are co-donnors of the lands.
For the purpose of education, it is important to rehash that the authority over the Nungua Stool Lands and its administration rest solely with the various Clan Heads who are superintended by the Nungua Mankralo. These people are however supervised by the Gborbu Wulomo Shitse and the Nungua Mantse who are co-donors of the Nungua Stool Lands. To this end, it must be noted that the Nungua Traditional Council is one authority while Nungua Stool is another , it is the clan heads together with the two Co-donors, being the Gborbu Wulomo Shitse and the Nungua Mantse who have the authority of land administration and not just as individual. These people together form the Nungua Stool.

The 450 plus acres of land which the Nungua Stool claimed by court judgement .
The mention of sites on the said land to erect schools, hospitals among others by the Nungua Mantse is a decision for both of us who stand as figure heads for the Stool .
The Office of the Gborbu Wulomo Shitse however wishes to state that the Nungua Stool recognizes efforts played by Top Kings, especially, it’s General Manager Benjamin Danso in salvaging and protecting the Borteyman lands in the past one year and counting. It is in recognition of this that the Gborbu Wulomo Shitse himself endorsed earlier arrangements for the company to protect the land. But as the Ga adage goes, ‘kw3m) oha mi l3 team))) bodi3ntse’ ,to wit, it is best you manage what belongs to you yourself, it is time for the Nungua Stool to manage their own lands.
In good faith, however, arrangements are far advanced for the Gborbu Wulomo together with the Nungua Mantse to meet and decide on the way forward on the issues above. I am however hopeful that the peace and beauty experienced over the years will be Paramount .
Before I put to a close the office of a krontihene which is being sought to be given to the Nungua Noryaa is misleading and in our tradition it is the place of the Nungua Mankralo, traditional and customary offices must be name by the history and practices of a people. I by this, call on all to stand for sanctity of our tradition and values. Let me end by this saying “if you forget your hometown dance ,you will be lost at public gathering. We are Nungua and Ga’s.
Thank you


Wor-Lumor Konor Nuumo Borketey Laweh Tsuru,
Gborbu Wulomo-Shitse,
Overlord of the Gadangme State

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