
Outgoing Belgian PM on President Trump: ‘Europe should at times show some muscle’

 In a speech at the World Economic Forum in the Swiss town of Davos, Belgium’s outgoing Prime Minister Alexander De Croo (Flemish liberal) said that Europe should “sometimes be allowed to react a little harder” to some of the plans outlined by the new US President Donald Trump. “Greenland is part of Denmark, end of story. This is a discussion that needs to be ended”

This week Mr De Croo is spending several days in the Swiss ski resort of Davos, where the World Economic Forum is taking place. The outgoing Belgian PM will have dozens of meetings with politicians and business leaders during his time in Davos. Earlier on Tuesday Mr De Croo gave a press briefing at Belgium House, the Belgian delegation’s base for the duration of the Forum.

Inevitabily, the newly inaugurat­ed President of the United States is a hot topic among those in Da­vos. Mr De Croo believes that the return of Donald Trump to the White House should push Europe to strengthen itself economically and politically. “We will be in a world where we will sometimes have to show our muscles”. He added that it is in no one’s inter­ests to start a trade war between Europe and the US.

“However, the United States isn’t the only place in the world. The agreement with the Mercosur countries in South America is a good thing, for our country too. There is also plenty of scope for trade with India”.

“We are clear: the European market is very attractive, but access to it must be reciprocal”.

During his speech, Mr De Croo also showed understanding for the Americans’ position. In particular their concern about US’ trade deficit. He suggested that Europe could buy more of its oil and gas from America and added that some European defence spending will still go on equipment pur­chased from US companies.

Despite this, Mr De Croo be­lieves that Europe should act more firmly where needs be. President Trump’s desire to annex Green­land is one example where Europe needs to take a firm stance. “It’s not something you can’t laugh off. It creates an atmosphere. We should have reacted much more firmly to it through the EU”.


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