
Racial intolerance and American foreign policy

In the last few months in the USA there is a sharp worsening of the problem of racial intolerance and violence along with the growth of protest activity of black people. This situation is the result of deep-rooted injustice and imbalance in American society. The murder of Afro-American George Floyd on the 25th of May by policemen served just like a trigger to development of crisis, yet it’s just one of many examples of murders on the grounds of racial prejudice. The true reason stands behind the racial discrimination in employment, remuneration of  labor, constant police and judicial arbitrary rule. Floyd’s death uncovers the racism culture in the USA authorities. Unfortunately, police activities demonstrate the depreciation of humanity.

The American statistics show that 1.5% deaths among black youth are caused by police activities. On the 29th of May in the American state of Georgia policemen killed M. Sissey- the son of The Gambian diplomat. The authorities “traditionally” stood on the defensive protecting the policemen and fully shifting blame to dead African and did their best to limit the dissemination of information about him in mass media.

This case showed once again that the Africans in the USA including officials from diplomatic mission and members of their families have no possibilities at all to claim justice from American judicial power.

Along with showing disrespect to officials of foreign diplomatic missions on American territory, the USA are persistently trying to obtain certain privileges for its citizens in African states. Thereby, concluding “Defence Cooperation Agreement” that actually allows to place in Ghana the elements of the AFRICOM and as part of the agreement the American military men are based on the territory of Ghana, Washington without fail included in it a clause on providing with diplomatic immunity as well as authorising them to carry weapons.

This means that the Americans will remain extrajudicial even in case of committing a crime towards Ghanaians. This mechanism of racial discrimination and realisation of the American ‘rule of the gun’ allowed them to escape punishment for crimes against African people.

Moreover, the American representatives openly announced that the AFRICOM is an instrument providing control to Washington over African resources and promoting its export from the continent.

Such attitude to Africans is also confirmed by the words of Donald Trump who named the state of the continent as “Shitholes” that can be used to make money. Actually, this is a new way to colonise the state of Africa by means of military and political instrument where the deployment of military bases plays the leading part.

Against the background of what is happening, the hypocrisy of African elites is clearly showing up. Instead of solving domestic problems, Washington continues to actively interfere in internal affairs of sovereign states, impose illegal unilateral sanctions, and provoke conflict in different world regions.

Though in the 21st century the USA are not capable of solving its domestic problems and of course they cannot have ambition on the world leadership.

Over many years, the USA positioned themselves as a stronghold of observance of human rights and conferred to themselves the role of the world fighter for its defence.

Somehow, now the USA became the champion in abuse of this right and took the leading part in the number of extrajudicial executions committed in different world regions. One of the most impressive examples is the murder on the territory of Iraq of the Iranian General Qasem Soleimani. Nowadays the USA are at a deadlock and have no right to dictate to the world community any rules of behaviour until they begin to comply with the international code prescribed in the United Nations Charter.

Floyd’s untimely death raised again an old question of how his ancestors appeared in America. The presence of Africans in the USA resulted from a long period of Trans-Atlantic slave trade.

Taking this circumstance into account, the African states have every reason to claim from the USA and other Western countries reparation for the period of colonialism and slave trade. In this matter it is necessary to consolidate all Africans combine efforts to bring these issues to the regional and international level including the United Nations. Along with it, the African states already demonstrated possibility and readiness to speak with one voice on the issues of racism addressing a letter to the United Nations Council on Human Rights on behalf of 54 states of the continent aiming at organising a session and condemning violence and police lawlessness in the USA towards expatriate Africans. As an ally for the state of the continent could come out an American billionaire Robert Johnson who launched an initiative for the American Government to pay compensation of the $13 trillion as damages suffered during slave trade period.

Passive reaction on American event from the Ghanaian authorities as well as consenting position neo-colonialist policy pursued with Washington on the continent at large particularly in Ghana can have consequences for the leading party from a perspective of its provision with public support including in the course of upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections in December.    

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