The Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources, in collaboration with the World Bank Supervisory Team, yesterday embarked on a monitoring visit to the ongoing Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA) Sanitation and Water Project.
The object of the working tour which is expected to end on Friday October, 13, 2023 is to review the status of implementation of all components of the project to ensure all activities are on track to be completed by the project closing date of December 2024.
The USD 125 Million Project is a sequel to the parent GAMA Sanitation and Water Project, which was successfully implemented in Accra and completed in December 2020, exceeding most of the project targets.
The components of the Project include the provision of environmental sanitation services to priority low-income areas of the GAMA to support the provision of 42,000 household toilets and 150 school/healthcare Sanitation facilities.
Secondly, the project seeks to expand the water distribution network in the GAMA and Great Kumasi Metropolitan Area and improve their operational efficiency.
Under the above component, “about 120 km of pipeline will be laid and 5,000 new households will be connected to Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) water system,” a statement issued by the ministry and occupied the Ghanaian Times in Accra said.
According to the ministry, improvement of sanitation services, including wastewater and septic sludge management investments, planning of liquid waste management and drainage as well as investment in biodigester sludge processing plants, would be enhanced with US$16 million under the planning, improvement and expansion component.
When completed, the ministry believed project management and institutional strengthening would be enhanced at the metropolitan, municipal, and national institutions, to promote behaviour change Communication Campaigns.
So far, 26,720 Household, 103 institutional, 5,000 direct household water connections have been completed under the project.
Rehabilitation of Asafo Sewerage Plant, treatment of biodigester sludge, review of National Environmental Sanitation Policy, hygiene promotion, capacity building were underway and training activities were underway and development of Ghana WASH Sector Development Plan completed, the statement said.