The Present Situation of Publication of Creative or Imagination Writing In Ghana: A Critical Appraisal
The current prevailing publishing situation in the country in terms of creative or imaginative writing is not all that favourable and conducive to promote and enhance prolific writing by Ghanaian creative artists such as authors, playwrights, poets etc.
This negative and appalling situation is a major factor responsible to the present dismal and non-vibrant creative writing industry in the country, and as a result had dampened the spirits of many a talented and gifted would-be creative writer that Ghana can boast of at present as the Kofi Awonoors, the Ayi Kwei Armahs, the Ama Atta Aidoos, the Efua Sutherlands, the Joe De Grafts, the AsieduYirenkyis, the Mohammed Ben Abdallahs, the Atu Kwei Okais, the Adali Morteys, the Bill Marshalls, the Kofi Anydohos, the Martin Owusus etc.
Thus, the present negative situation in the Ghanaian publishing scene as far as the publishing of creative or imaginative writings are concerned, militates against a booming emergence of young Ghanaian talented and gifted creative artists who will create quality works to enhance the image of Ghana on the African and world stage of creative writing.
Creative writing is a viable and profitable industry just like any other industry or business that has great potential of generating much revenue to boost Ghana’s economy. Ghanaian creative artists or writers therefore constitute great potential of developing the Ghanaian economy to reach its optimum to benefit Ghana in her continual development agenda.
It is therefore highly necessary that there must be inspiring and motivating publishing conditions for creative writing in order to produce great and highly gifted Ghanaian creative writers, such as had been mentioned in this presentation for the advancement of Ghana in the literary industry as other countries had been able to achieve.
The fact is that in the publishing situation in Ghana at the moment, the only category of writing or literature that easily get published is Christian religious materials. The major publishing houses in Ghana such as the Presbyterian Book Depot in Accra, Adwinsa Publishing House, Catholic Publishing House in Accra, Asempa Publishing House in Accra etc are only interested in the publication of Christian religious materials such as gospel tracks, Bible commentaries etc.
This writer had a hell of time when he first graduated from Legon and was eager to get his work published. He hoped from one publishing house to another with the hope of getting his manuscript published; alas, without any success. The only reason that explained my fruitless efforts to get my work published was that my material or manuscript was creative work but not religious, or Christian Bible commentary.
For instance, the manager of the Adwinsa Publishing House told me plainly that he would not publish my manuscript because it was not Bible based in content. Similarly, I received negative reactions from other publishing houses; and my manuscript was rejected on the same grounds as not being religious in content!
In fact, one can imagine the extent to which a creative or imaginative Ghanaian writer can be frustrated by going through this kind of ordeal. It is not all that easy to get creative works published in the present publishing situation in Ghana.
Frankly speaking, the publishing situation in Ghana is not peculiar in comparison to what obtainsin other African countries such as Nigeria, Kenya, Senegal, Cote De Voire, Tanzania, Uganda etc.
In fact, publishing of literary works is one of the major factors that had perennially militated against the development of African literature. The other major factor that had perennially militated against the development of African literature is that of audience awareness.
As a result of my critical observation it is evident that the publishing situation in Nigeria at present is comparatively better than what obtains in the Ghanaian situation and other African countries such as had been mentioned in this article.
In the Nigeria situation a lot of creative or imaginative works can easily get published. This explains why at the moment, one can get copies of published works such as Things Fall Apart, Aman of the People, The Lion And The Jewel, The Beautiful Ones Are Not Yet Born, Fragments, Arrow of God, Burning Grass etc and in fact, almost all the African creative writers’ works are available in the Nigerian Publishing situation as compared to only few African creative works being available in the Ghanaian situation.
There is a good reason to explain for the favouable Nigerian publishing situation. Although the Nigeriangovernment somehow assist in the publishing of Nigerian creative writers’ works, it is mainly the private sector of publishing involving individual Nigerian writers, publishers and organisations who have made the Nigerian publishing situation relatively favourable and flourishing. It is also a fact that many Nigerian creative writers do team up and co-operative with each other and consequently had been able to establish publishing houses to publishequally both the creative and non creative writings of Nigerians and other Africans’ writings.
In order to improve the Ghanaian publishing situation and garnish it to flourish, I will suggest that the government should show keener interest and establish more publishing houses besides the Ghana Publishing Company; and also assist the Ghana Association of writers financially to enable it to expand its programmes in the area of creative writing and publication of creative works by Ghanaians.
Furthermore, the mission publishing houses in Ghana such as the Presbyterian, Methodist, Catholic, Pentecost etc should change their attitude in discrimination and begin to accept imaginative or creative writings by Ghanaians for publication.
Ghanaian writers should also try to co-operate with each other by teaming up to enable them to establish publishing houses for the publication of imaginative or creative writing by Ghanaians. In teams and in co-operation Ghanaian writers will be able to solicit from government and non-government sources such as the UNESCO, Ford Foundation, Fred Adenaur etc; and also from wealthy and benevolent Ghanaian businessmen and women.
I am optimistic and have the strong belief that the present dismal Ghanaian publishing situation can experience a boom from an improved situation to raise the image of Ghana high in the world stage of the creative writing industry.
I am sure and assert categorically that, owing to the fact that, Ghana abounds in a lot talented and gifted young writers; who will definitely be inspired to write prolifically and get their works published, when the publication situation is improved significantly.
In conclusion, I envision a situation in the Ghanaian creative writing scene within the nearest future, to be producing great Ghanaian writers of equal stature such as the Kofi Awonoors, the Efua Sutherlands, the Joe De Grafts. the Ama Atta Aidoos, the Bill Marshalls, the Asiedu Yirenkyis, the Mohammed Abdallahs, the Martin Owusus, the Kofi Ayidohos, the Atukwei Okais, the Ayi Kwei Armahs, the Lade Worsonors, the Adali Morteys etc; and consequently raise the image of Ghana high again on the world class stage of literature.
By Michael Akenoo: Theatre Critic.