Using the right Communication Strategies to advance TVET in Ghana
Industrial development is crucial for the growth and prosperity of any country, and Ghana is no exception.
The country has made significant progress in recent years, with a growing number of industries, both large and small, contributing to the economy.
However, there is still much work to be done, and one critical area that needs attention is Technical Technological and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) to achieve industrial development.
Inasmuch as the government has explored several alternatives to committing to TVET to propel the necessary growth, it must also commit to the necessary communication strategies for the success of the TVET implementation.
Because implementing these projects successfully requires effective communication strategies to ensure that all stakeholders are informed and engaged, TVET projects aim to equip trainees with relevant and marketable skills that will enable them to secure employment or start their own businesses.
However, in Ghana, TVET has not received the attention it deserves, leading to a shortage of skilled workers in many critical industries.
The government has been committed to TVET over the years, to the extent of converting 10 polytechnics into technical universities in line with the Polytechnics Law (Act 745) to strengthen and reform TVET in the country. This commitment is to ensure TVET increases employment opportunities, leading to poverty reduction and increased economic growth.
Yet, TVET has not been successful in contributing to socio-economic development and is not attractive to most youth due to its low or middle levels of employment.
One of the right communication strategies to use to implement TVET projects successfully is constant stakeholder engagement: this is one of the most critical communication strategies to use in implementing a relevant TVET project. The stakeholders may include students, educators, employers, traditional rulers and government officials among others. By involving these groups early in the process, you can gain their support and ensure that the project meets their needs.
While government engage stakeholders in developing TVET programs and projects, it should consider collaborating with the private sector to develop programs that aligns with the needs of modern industries. This will ensure that students receive training in areas that are in high demand, leading to better job prospects and increased productivity for industries.
Inasmuch as Ghana has embraced TVET and is working hard to achieve its goals to better the lives of Ghanaians and reduce unemployment, it is important to have a clear understanding of the goals of the TVET projects. This must be communicated clearly to potential trainees, beneficiaries as well as to other stakeholders such as employers and community leaders. TVET must be communicated as an opportunity for personal and professional growth and a pathway towards economic independence. Communicating clearly means using communication medium that is easy to understand, avoiding jargon or technical terms that may confuse stakeholders on the project. It is also important to provide regular updates to keep stakeholders informed of project progress.
Different Communication Channels
Different communication channels must be used since different stakeholders have different communication preferences, so it is important to use a variety of channels to reach them. This can include email, social media, websites, face-to-face meetings, and entertainment-related education like drama. While addressing the concerns of stakeholders is key to the successful implementation of TVET projects, addressing concerns and questions from stakeholders is crucial for project success.
One good thing to learn is consistently celebrating the success of hardworking individuals who have succeeded in life or their fields. Celebrating successes is an essential part of any project. By acknowledging and celebrating achievements, stakeholders feel appreciated and motivated to continue their involvement in the project.
These communication strategies are important because they help to build trust and engagement among stakeholders, which are critical for the success of TVET projects. Effective communication ensures that stakeholders understand the project goals, their roles in the project, and the progress being made. This helps to ensure that the project is implemented smoothly and achieves its intended outcomes.
Dennis Agyei Boateng.
Development Communication expert