Dagbon Traditional Council adopts new constitution to govern affairs

The Dagbon Traditional Council has adopted a new constitution to replace the 90-year-old constitution, which is seen by stakeholders as outmoded.
The old constitution was subjected to rigorous review to amend outmoded customs and practices which did not inure to the wellbeing of Dagbon.
With the adoption of the amended constitution, Dagbon is expected to chart a new path to focus on consolidating peace, unity and development.
As part of efforts to consolidate the peace and reconciliation of Dagbon after nearly 40 years of turmoil, the Overlord of Dagbon, Ya-Na Abukari II, set up the Dagbon Constitutional Review Committee to review the Dagbon constitution which was said to have outlived its usefulness since the last review in 1930 and contributed to a series of chieftaincy succession disputes and land litigation in the area.
The revised constitution provides clear succession paths to all the skins in Dagbon and recognises Karaga, Savelugu and Mion as the only skin gates to the Dagbon Nam in Yendi.
After several meetings, the traditional council met to adopt the newly drafted constitution which was not without controversies, as some traditional authorities contended inclusion of grandchildren to be successors to the three gate skins and the Yendi skin however, after a lengthy argument, the constitution was adopted by the Dagbon traditional council.
The Paramount Chief of the Kumbungu Traditional area, Abu Iddrisu, who sat in for the Ya-Na Abukari as President of the Dagbon Traditional Council, said the development was a historic milestone for Dagbon in sustaining peace, unity, harmony and cohesion.
“From now on, we know we have a guiding document that serves every purpose of our Kingdom, that will remove bad behaviour or carelessness in the society and Ya Na will have a document, will be there just that it is not written, so some people will say they do not know, now, you cannot do anything without obeying the constitution.
“The new constitution will be referred to the Northern Regional House of chiefs from where it will be sent to the National House of Chiefs, the Ministry of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs as well as the Attorney General’s Department, which will issue and publish a Legislative Instrument to give it legal backing,” Kumbungu Na Iddrisu disclosed.