Graphic organises health screening for public at Adabraka

As part of the corporate social responsibility of Graphic Communications Group Limited (GCGL), Graphic Clinic on Saturday organised a free health screening to the general public at its premises in Accra.
The health screening which was on the theme “Your Health, Our Concern,” screened people for Hepatitis B, Blood Pressure Screening, Eye, Dental among other laboratory tests and offered medical consultations as well.
The Ghanaian Times observed that about 200 participants, including children, aged women and men as well as the youth participated in the exercise.
Participants were seen seated in a queue with their number cards as early as 8:00am, and refreshed while waiting for their turn to be attended to.
In an interview with the Corporate Communications Manager of Graphic Communications Group Limited (GCGL), Mr Emmanuel Agyei Arthur said it was his believe that, the clinic survived as a business because of those who patronised it.
“It is right that after making some income from the business, we give back to society to pave way for the less privileged to also benefit, this would in a way make them aware of their health conditions,” he said.
“The ones that can be treated immediately would be done because the drugs are equally free and the ones that needs full care attention would be referred for further treatments,” he added.
Mr Arthur further explained that, Graphic Clinic which was initially for staff in GCGL was currently opened to the general public.
“Now we have improved on our services, we have a laboratory and a pharmacy that would see to the needs of patrons while ensuring proper diagnosis and management of various medical conditions,” he highlighted.
Mr Samuel Yeboah, the Business Development Manager of Gokals Healthy Optionz (GHO) who partnered Graphic Clinic for the screening exercise, advised people to be concerned and interested in their health.
“I will advise that more health cares should be made accessible to the general public so they can be able to know their health status in order to seek appropriate health care,” he advised.
Mr Yeboah encouraged people not to wait for their eyes to go blur before they access the health cares because treatment for the eye was available when detected early.
“We have observed an increase in eye related cases, such as glaucoma and cataract, so people should take their eyes seriously and at least go for eye screenings once every year,” he said.