Illegal structures along Accra-Tema motorway demolished

The Tema West Municipal Assembly (TWMA) yesterday demolished illegal structures located along a section of the Accra-Tema motorway.
This is to make way for extension works planned for the highway. The exercise was also to clear the area of squatters and filth in line with a directive from the National Security.
About 1,500 wooden structures serving as homes for more than 3,000 squatters were demolished with the aid of four earth moving machines and under heavy police presence.

Some residents managed to carry their belongings away before their kiosks were smashed by the swift moving pay-loaders.
Others complained that the TWMA did not give them ample time to salvage their belongings, amidst curses rained on officials undertaking the exercise.
One squatter, Noah Kofidu, who was informed by his wife on phone about the demolition rushed to the scene only to find his flat screen television set and other personal effects destroyed.
He appealed to the government to provide enough affordable accommodation for the citizenry as many people had no place to lay their heads.
The Municipal Engineer of TWMA, Mr Vincent BlaQuarshie, told journalists that two weeks ago a partial demolition was carried out and personnel from the assembly advised other squatters to leave the area as more structures would be demolished.
According to him some of the squatters heeded the advice and vacated whilst others took the warning for granted.