
Let’s work hard to improve wellbeing of people – W/R Minister

The Western Regional Minister, Joseph Nelson, has encouraged staff at the Regional Co­ordinating Council (RCC) and security chiefs to work hard for the good and welfare of the people.

He indicated that he would operate an open door policy, add­ing that “feel free, and let’s work together.”

“There is no pressure, but re­member that we’ll work together, and that should the way,” Mr Nelson made these remarks on his first meeting with the Regional Se­curity Council (REGSEC), Heads of Department and staff of RCC in Sekondi yesterday.

He thanked Heads of Depart­ment and staff for the warm wel­come and show of supports and believed that the goal of public service would be achieved.

“The journey is long, but, cer­tainly it begins from today. I want to urge all of us to begin on a very good note, and happily holding our hands together, and I believe we will be able to achieve a lot for our people.”

The Flag Officer Command­ing (FOC) and Commander of the Two Garrison, Emmanuel K. Kwafo, congratulated Mr Nelson for smooth vetting in Parliament and expressed the hope that REGSEC would support him to achieve a lot of success.

The Western Region, he indicated, was a very unique region being the home to all the arms of national security architecture, including the army, the Airforce, the Navy, prisons, fire service, Customs Division, immigration and the Police Service.

“We want to assure you of our ever present support as REGSEC members. There is no closing time. Our number is available. We are

on call 24 hours. If there are issues happening, anytime, any­where, we are ready to respond. We wish you well and we know that with the renewed energy, and together with the collaboration of the other heads, victory will be ours,” Commodore Kwafo assured.

The Acting Western Regional Coordinating Director, Stephen Quarshie, believed that meeting was to build bridges and reinforce team work.

The Regional Director, Control­ler and Accountant General De­partment (CAGD), Kirk Koufie, also spoke about the dedication and supports of heads of depart­ment and staff of RCC.


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