Mission195/Ghana Physicians and Surgeons donate medical equipment to Todome Health Centre

The Mission195/Ghana Physicians and Surgeons DMV Chapter, non-governmental organisations based in Maryland, US, on Thursday donated non-drug medical consumables and surgical equipment to the Todome Health Centre in the South Dayi District of the Volta Region.
Worth GH¢130,000, the medical consumable is expected to benefit 17 other health facilities in the district with a population of more than 59,967.
The items included surgical gloves, Opti chamber for ilebulising, Laryngoscopes, Epump sets, solo syringes, hand sanitiser,Traccheo stormy kit, surgical masks, lumber puncture tray, face masks, BD Extension set, Yenous catheter set, suction catheter, arterial blood sampler, closed suction system, to mention but a few.
Mr David Addae, Chairman of Todome Youth Association and representative of the NGO, presented the items to Dr Jonas Kolog Timbire, District Director of Health Service, as their contribution to healthcare delivery in the district and expressed the hope that the items will help the health directorate deliver quality service to the people.
Mr Addae, who spoke with the Ghanaian Times by phone after presenting the items, also personally donated 30 plastic chairs, plastic tables, Veronica buckets and a boiler for sterilising medical equipment to the health centre.
Dr Timbire said the gesture was the first of its kind to the health directorate and would improve the quality of health service delivery in the district, adding that “these items are very useful to the entire South Dayi District, including the Peki Government Hospital.”
Like the proverbial Oliver Twist, Dr Timbire added “It is our hope that other philanthropists and organisations would follow your good example and help us with items which are still needed including, Microscope, Infrared Thermometer, screens for patients private, ultra-sound machines with printer, laboratory,” he added.