
More parliamentary candidates file nominations

More candi­dates from political parties and individuals who desire to represent their constituencies in parliament are filing their nomi­nations at Electoral Commission (EC) District Offices to compete in the December polls.

With less than 24 hours to the close the process, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP) MP hopefuls and their independent counterparts are racing against time to fulfill this requirement.

From Tongo, FRANCIS DAB­RE DABANG reports that so far, about 32 contestants in the Upper East Region have filed their forms as of the time of filing this report.

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) parliamentary candidate for Talensi, Daniel Dung Mahama, presented his nomination forms to the Talensi EC District Office on Wednesday.

He was upbeat about delivering a record breaking 90 per cent victory for the NDC in the upcoming pres­idential and parliamentary polls.

“The total voter population is about 45,000 or 46,000, and if we are going to have a voter turnout of 38, 000, then I know presidential candidate John Dramani Mahama and I (parliamentary candidate) can get 37,000 votes in this constituency come December 2024 elections,” he declared.

He said his optimism was as a result of the party’s commitment to develop the Talensi district in all areas of national life which was ev­ident by the development projected executed by the party.

As part of his vision, he stated, was to upgrade most of the Com­munity-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS compounds) into clinics to help deliver quality to the community folks; buy tractors and other farm inputs to help farmers engage in dry season farming; and help the youth to go acquire license to engage small scale mining to better their lots, if given the nod.

At the Bolgatanga Central constituency, incumbent MP, Isaac Adongo, indicated he had a brighter chance of scaling up the electoral fortunes for NDC, and rallied dele­gates to give the NDC a massive en­dorsement, so as to enable them to rescue the country out of the recent economic mess.

RAFIA ABDUL RAZAK reports from Wa that the NPP parliamentary candidate for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Hajia Humu Awudu, filed her nomination to contest the Wa Central Constit­uency.

Hundreds of youth, party sup­porters, including party executives and electoral area coordinators joined her to submit the form at the EC office in Wa in the Upper West Region.

Speaking to journalists after­wards, she thanked her supporters and asked them to be united and vote massively to enable her to win the seat and bring the needed devel­opment to the area.

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