NIA extends mass registration in the 3 northern regions

The National Identification Authority (NIA) has extended the
mass registration period in the three northern regions.
The registration exercise which was scheduled to end today is now expected to
end on October 30, 2019.
The mass registration exercise which is ongoing in the Northern, Savanna and North East regions had suffered a number of challenges.
Some of the challenges included shortage of materials at some centres and poor network had hindered smooth exercise.
“The Authority views the challenges and extends the registration period in order to cover the lost period,” a statement signed and issued to the press yesterday by the Head of Public Affairs of NIA, ACI Francis Palmdeti said.
The statement urged all those who have not been able to register to take advantage of the period to do so.
The Authority indicated that regional and district secretariats would be established in the first quarter of next year, and those who would not be able to register this month could visit there for registration.
“Permanent NIA offices will be established at the regional, municipal and district levels by March 2020 to afford all Ghanaians who would not be captured during the mass registration exercise to register free,” the statement added.
Many people in the Tamale metropolis and various districts queue for long hours to register for the Ghana Card.
Adam Mumuni, a farmer in an interview with the Ghanaian Times said he went to the centre about 5:10 am yesterday but could not register.
He stated that several people were already in the queue before he got there and thereby welcomed the extension of the period, stressing it would help many people to register.