Tertiary institutions tasked to produce job market-ready graduates …as RMU marks SRC Week celebrations

The Nungua Mantse and Vice President of the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs, King Prof. Odaifio Welentsi III has asked educational institutions to ensure graduates are well-equipped and positioned to face the challenges and requirements within the current working environment.
Speaking on his behalf by former Greater Accra Regional Minister, Nii Laryea Afotey Agbo at a durbar to launch the Regional Maritime University (RMU)’s Student’s Representative Council (SRC) Week Celebrations in Accra, he said current professional demands required very skillful and passionate individuals to ensure efficiency.
“With the improvements in technology and other demands, the working environment has become very practical and demands very determined and passionate graduates to deal with the challenges,” he stated.
“It is therefore important for institutions to provide all the resources needed to train students while the students also take up courses that they are passionate about and could use same to address challenges,” he added.
He said, it was also observed that students were not offered programmes that they were passionate about so they could deliver to the best of their abilities.
“The institution should therefore endevour to offer students what they apply for, while the teachers also do their bit by exposing the students to practical, industrial experience,” he stressed.
He advised that, there must be continuous assessment of depth of knowledge of students by teachers or lecturers on their course of study to ensure they were marketable.
He charged students to utilise technology especially the Google space to enrich their knowledge and position themselves for industry.
The SRC President, Alex Kojo Abayateye outlined programmes for the week long celebrations which include a healthwalk, symposium and tour of some regions in Ghana.
He encouraged students to partake in the activities as it would be a great platform to network and share ideas outside the classroom.
The occasion was also used to display some rich Ghanaian culture with performances from the Akoma Cultural Troupe while students from the various member states, the Gambia, Cameroon, Sierra Leone,Liberia and Ghana also showcased their culture with the best dressed student awarded.
Dignitaries and the SRC executives joined hands to light up the perpetual flame to mark the beginning of the SRC Week Celebrations.