
Celebrity Golf Club to host West Coast Golf Championship Aug 21-23

 The Celebrity Golf Club, Sakumono, is set to host the West Coast Golf Championship to be played onAu­gust 21- 23.

The championship, organ­ised by the Professional Golfers Association (PGA),is the third in the series of pre-qualifiers (Road to Damang) to the main champi­onship to be staged at the Damang

 Gold Club in the Western region in November.

The PGA’s Director of Opera­tions, Alhaji Ahmed,told the media yesterday that preparations were underway on and off the course to ensure they staged a successful championship.

It is expected to attract a number of professional golfers from the various clubs across the country.

According to the organisers,the new tournament ground is appeal­ing to the players who are pre­paring feverishly to be among the contingent seeking qualification to the end of year championship.

According to Ahmed Padori, male players that were yet to secure qualification for the main tourna­ment see the championship as a new platform to do so by August 23.

“Meanwhile some lady golfers who are gradually warming up themselves into the professional game in the country are also in the mix to showcase their talent during the three-day competition at Saku­mono,” he said.

Alhaji Padori noted that there were preparations behind the scenes to ensure the success of the competition.

He urged the golfers to be ad­equately prepared for the competi­tion since it will sharpen them for the main one in November.

Alhaji Padori expressed the PGA’s appreciation to Gold Fields for their massive support over the last 10 years which he believed has assisted in developing the interest of the sports in Ghana.


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