An Anglophone West Africa Regional Training of Trainers Workshop on Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) has opened in Accra, Ghana.
The two-day hybrid Workshop, which is being held virtually and by contact, is happening concurrently in Liberia, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, and Nigeria.
The Workshop, organised by the Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA), is to address the challenges that people face when they choose or change, or seek to practice their religions.
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Nathan I. Samwini, Chairperson, PROCMURA Area Committee and PROCMURA Executive Committee Member (Ghana), in his overview, said restrictions and violations of individual rights to freedom of religion constituted a challenge for PROCMURA.
He said the overall objective of the Organisation was to see an African continent where freedom of religion and all that it entailed became the norm and not the exception.
Dr. Makafui Tayviah, Area Advisor, Ghana Area Committee, giving highlights of the Workshop, indicated that Rev. Dr. Adrake Komi, the General Advisor –PROCMURA, would give the opening remarks.
The participants will then discuss prior Knowledge of FoRB, Introduction to FoRB, Christian Faith Perspective of FoRB, Muslim Faith Perspective, Breakaway Sessions, Statement Committee Meeting (Group), and FoRB as a Human Right (Legal Perspective).
On the second day, Dr. Tayviah said there would be training in skills in promoting FoRB, Constructive Christian-Muslim Relations; A Substantive mechanism for the promotion of FoRB, Towards Increased FoRB for Women, Group Studies, Country Action Plans, and Evaluation as well as Government as an Indispensable institution in promoting FoRB for all.
Ghana’s participants include the Rev. Dr. Johnson Mbillah, the PROCMURA Consultant, Representatives from Christian and Muslim communities, academia, and the media.
By Times Reporter