
Achieving financial desires (2)

ONLY those who know that they already have can have more. Those who do not know that they have – think they have to “get” in order to have more. Their lives reflect their thinking through poverty, lack, scarcity, limitation, suffering and power struggles. It is imperative that we understand that there is nothing to get. All we have to do is to BE. BEING is creative. Getting comes from fear.

The power of gratitude

Always acknowledge what you have already. Always start from where you are. Appreciate what you have right now, no matter how little it seems in comparison to what others have. Instead of complaining about what you have, because it is not enough, always appreciate what you have now. There is the old saying, “I felt bad because I did not have a pair of shoes until I met a man who did not have any feet.”

This is one of the most pow­erful secrets to adding riches to your life. Develop an “attitude of gratitude” toward whatever you have now and watch how it will begin to grow and increase.

The concept of a universal bank

Acquire and hold the concept of a “Universal Bank”. Whenever you give and do not see an imme­diate return, know that you have made a deposit in the Universal Bank and it will return to you with interest at just the perfect moment. Whatever you give out MUST come back to you.

This is the Law of Cause and Effect and it cannot be changed. Do not make the mistake of trying to decide when and through what channels your good will come to you, but know that if you make a deposit in the Universal Bank, your good comes to you in countless ways. Sometimes your abundance will manifest rather quickly. In fact, you will think it is almost magic. There are times your good will come to you in unexpected ways. Just know that it is there and it is coming to you. Build a confidence as solid as your confidence that the sun will rise every morning.

The law of circulation

Let us elaborate on the Law of Circulation. Again, all we have to do is to look at nature. A good example is a pond. If water only comes into the pond, soon the pond will stagnate and will no longer support life.

If water only goes out of the pond, the pond will soon dry up and no longer be able to support life. But if water both comes in and goes out of the pond, the pond will be sparkling pure and able to support life. We can take our cues from the examples of na­ture. It is the same in our financial lives. As we circulate our money freely, more money flows into our lives.

Another aspect of circulation is release. Start to release everything that is no longer a part of what you want to create in your life. Give material things away that you no longer use or want in order to make room for what you want or need right now. At least once a year it is a good idea to go through your home – especially your clos­ets – and find those things you no longer use. If you have not worn something or used something in the last twelve months, give it away. Give your items to friends or give them to people who need them. Give them to charity. And as you clean out, put what is left in order, because if you have clutter in your life, it is an indication of clutter within your mind. As with­in, so without.

Emerson said, “Beware of hold­ing too much good in your hands.” How is that possible? How is it possible to have too much health, happiness, love or money? What Emerson was saying was that we block the flow of good into our lives by holding on too tightly to what we have. In order to increase what we have, we must be willing to let go of what we think we need to hold on to.

Money is an idea in action

We live in an abundant universe filled with ideas flowing through time and space. It is up to us to take what we need out of this flow. There is an abundance of ideas that we can use to create more riches in our life. If you think about it, “money is an idea in action.” The current of life is always flowing, and it is flowing right now.

People hoard money, hang on to it, try to hide it, even steal it, which comes out of a belief that if they do this, they will add more money to their life. What they do not understand is they are going against the flow of life. Even the word, “currency,” is related to the word “current.” But is also means “passing from hand to hand.” Money must be circulated, not hidden, hoarded or stolen.

The Law of Circulation always prevails. When we block the circulation through fear, we stop the flow. That blockage must be removed if we are to experience riches and abundance on a perma­nent basis. Life supports expan­sion, not limitation. Life also keeps its agreements with us. If we do not circulate our money and make choices about how and where we are going to circulate our abun­dance, life will do it for us, because expansion must always take place. If you do not do the choosing, life will choose for you, and it may not be the choice you want. It will be recirculated through unexpected expenses. In general, we are forced to circulate money whether we like it or not.

How much can you accept?

Here is an important question: How much money can you accept? We all know people who have more money than they know what to do with, and we all know peo­ple who never have enough. Why the difference?

Many people think that if they could just get their hands on a large sum of money, they would be set for the rest of their lives. This is absolutely not true. Studies have shown that people who receive large sums of money without working for it – those who have won lotteries, or inherited wealth, for example – almost al­ways find themselves back to their original financial level within two years of their windfall. They think that if they had money, they would pay their bills, get out of debt and start anew. But that very seldom happens. Over 90 per cent of the people who win large sums of money eventually end up with no more money than they had before their winnings. Their standard of life does not increase, and in many cases is lowered because of exces­sive spending.

If a person who has virtually nothing is given a large sum of money, within a very short time that person will have nothing again. If we divided all the money in the world equally, in a short time the rich would be rich again and the poor would be poor. The point here is that if you have a poverty consciousness or a con­sciousness of lack and limitation, you will literally spend yourself into poverty if you find yourself with too much money. You will spend whatever you have in order to get back to your comfort zone.

Take all the money away from a person who is a millionaire – one who has the consciousness of a millionaire today – and within a short time he or she will be a mil­lionaire again. Riches start from the mind, not your pocketbook, bank account or investments. The pocketbook, bank account and in­vestments are the EFFECTS, not the CAUSE. The cause is always an idea or belief about money. “A person is not rich because they have money. They have money because they are ALREADY rich in consciousness.” Again, this is the reason that the rich will always get richer and the poor will always stay poor until they change their consciousness.


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