
Cabbie gets life imprisonment for murdering girlfriend

The High Court in Accra has sentenced a taxi driver, Paul Evename, to life imprisonment for murdering his girlfriend, Jennifer Attieku, at Madina, in Accra.

The Attieku was a third-year Banking and Finance student at the University of Profession­al Studies, UPSA, before her murder.

The jury unanimously found accused, who committed the crime on November 12, 2015 at Madina guilty of murder.

Evename pleaded with his family and that of his deceased girlfriend to forgive him for his actions.

Prior to the sentencing, the prosecution, led by Principal State Attorney, Seth Awere-Opanyinye­na, and the defence addressed the jurors, after which the court gave a summary of the evidence adduced.

Prosecution said that a mis­understanding ensured between Evename and Attieku, and the latter decided to end the relation­ship and blacklisted the convict’s telephone number.

The court, presided over by Justice Lydia Osei Marfo, heard that the convict approached At­tieku over the estranged relation­ship, on the night of November 10, 2015.

Mr Awere-Opanyinyena stated that Attieku’s decision to end the relationship infuriated the convict, who threatened to end her life.

The prosecution further dis­closed that Attieku informed her brother of the threat, and they both lodged a complaint with the police.

Mr Awere-Opanyinyena said the convict traced Attieku and the brother to the police station, where he was arrested and de­tained till the following day.

At about 7:30am on Novem­ber 12, 2015, Evename pro­cured a new kitchen knife and went to a hostel where Attieku was lodging.

Moreover, he said the de­ceased was reluctant to open the door for the convict until he convinced her that he was with one Hajia.

The court heard that when Atteiku came out of the room, Evename attacked, and stabbed her with the knife on the throat, breast, head, killing her instantly.

The prosecution said Evename attempt­ed suicide by stabbing himself in the abdo­men twice.

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