
Sea Buckthorn improves markers of liver function, protects heart health, reduces blood sugar, and more

Sea buckthorn, also known as the holy fruit of the Himalayas, is a popular remedy in Ayurvedic and tradi­tional Chinese medi­cines. The oil has been used for thousands of years as a natural remedy for various ailments.

It is obtained from the berries, leaves, and seeds of the sea buck­thorn plant (Hippophae rham­noides), found in the northwest Himalayan region. It can be applied to the skin or taken orally( Gâtlan and Gutt. 2021).

In this article, I examine the science-backed benefits of sea buckthorn


Nutrients Rich

One study(Jaśniewska and Diowksz A. 2021) suggests that sea buckthorn has many vitamins, minerals, and useful plant com­pounds. It is loaded with antioxi­dants, which help protect the body against aging and illnesses like cancer and heart disease.

The berries also have vitamins A, C, K, and E. Some amounts of iron, calcium, magnesium, potas­sium, copper, and zinc are also found in the berries.

On the other hand, the seeds and leaves are rich in phytosterols, a plant compound with many benefits — including blocking cholesterol from the diet from being absorbed in the body. This is one way in which sea buckthorn oil is thought to reduce your risk of heart disease( Gâtlan and Gutt. 2021, Jaśniewska and Diowksz A. 2021; Salehi et al. 2021).

It has been found that (Gâtlan and Gutt. 2021) the oil can be obtained from the sea buckthorn seeds or berries and is regarded as the most important part of the plant.

The study further found that it is loaded with palmitoleic acid, found in the fat of human skin. This enables it to speed wound healing and keep the skin healthy.

It has been also found that sea buckthorn oil could also be one of the only plant foods known to provide all four omega fatty acids. What’s more, more than half of the fat found in this oil is mono- and polyunsaturated fat, which are two types of healthy fats( ( Gâtlan and Gutt. 2021, Jaśniewska and Diowksz A. 2021)

Protect your skin

Sea buckthorn oil has been used as a traditional skin treatment for centuries. This is due to the many nutrients found in it such as un­saturated fat, antioxidants, phytos­terols, carotenoids, and vitamins E and K(Jaśniewska and Diowksz A. 2021).

It also has palmitoleic acid, a type of fat naturally found in hu­man skin that can be used to treat burns and promote wound healing.

It further contains linoleic acid (LA), an omega-6 fatty acid that’s the most abundant fatty acid in human skin. Solà Marsiñach and Cuenca (2019) study found that LA could decrease acne and psoriasis, and protect against dry or scaly skin. The same study suggests that sea buckthorn oil contains other omega-6 fats, such as gamma-lin­olenic acid (GLA), which could decrease eczema and improve acne.

It can further protect the skin from the damaging effects of UV rays from the sun ( Gęgotek et al. 2018).

This is why sea buckthorn is normally added to many pro-aging or wrinkle-reducing products and is usually found in ingredients in products made to treat dry, irritat­ed, flaky, or itchy skin (Zielińska and Nowak, 2017).

One human study(Boca et al. 2019) found lower psoriasis symp­toms after application of a sea buckthorn extract for 4–8 weeks.

Promote heart health

Some studies have found Sea buckthorn oil to benefit heart health in many ways. One such study(Salehi et al. 2021) found that due to the phytosterols, plant compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory functions protect the body from damage and disease, including heart disease.

These compounds also help block the absorption of cholesterol from the diet, which can help pre­vent LDL (bad) cholesterol from creating blockages in the blood vessels and arteries.

Besides, (Jaśniewska A, Di­owksz, 2021) found that sea buckthorn oil has quercetin, an antioxidant that lowers the risk of heart disease.

Vashishtha et al.(2017) 30-day study, found that consuming 0.15 teaspoons (0.75 mL) of sea buckthorn oil daily helped decrease blood pressure levels in people with high blood pressure. Tri­glycerides and total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels also dropped in those who had high cholesterol.

Reduce blood sugar levels

Some studies found that Sea buckthorn oil could help prevent diabetes and support healthy blood sugar.

In the case of animal stud­ies(Solà Marsiñach and Cuenca AP. 2019; Gao et al. 2017), it was found that it could reduce blood sugar levels by increasing insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity.

Hence, when the body manages to secrete insulin, the more sensi­tive the cells are to it, the lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Other human studies (have examined the blood sugar-lowering effect of sea buckthorn oil directly. In one such study(Ren et al. 2021), 38 people with impaired blood sugar regulation — a risk factor for type 2 diabetes — drank 3 ounces (90 mL) of sea buckthorn fruit purée or a placebo for 5 weeks.

Their fasting blood sugar levels were significantly lower after taking the sea buckthorn fruit purée than the placebo. However, the drop in fasting blood sugar levels after 5 weeks was only 0.14 mmol/L, which is considered quite small.

Boost immune system

Some studies have found sea buckthorn oil to help protect the body against infections. For instance, Krejcarová et al.(2015) found that the high flavonoid con­tent of the oil is the reason for this.

These flavonoids are useful plant compounds that could strengthen the immune system by increasing resistance to illnesses. In this test-tube study, sea buckthorn oil was effective against influenza, herpes, and HIV viruses. It is also rich in antioxidants, that fight against microbes.

Support liver health

Studies have found that Sea buckthorn oil supports a healthy liver. For instance, (Gâtlan and Gutt. 2021, Jaśniewska and Dio­wksz A. 2021) found that healthy fats, vitamin E, and carotenoids, all contribute to protecting liver cells from damage.

One older study(Hsu et al. 2009) found that sea buckthorn oil significantly improved markers of liver function in rats with liver damage.

A previous 6 months study(Gao et al. 2003) in people with cirrho­sis— an advanced form of liver disease — who took 15 grams of sea buckthorn extract 3 times per day improved their blood markers of liver function drastically as com­pared to those given a placebo.


Studies have found that due to the many compounds such as flavonoids and antioxidants in sea buckthorn oil, it could have anti­cancer effects.

For instance, (Salehi et al. 2020; Reyes-Farias and Carrasco-Pozo. 2019) found that sea buckthorn is loaded with quercetin, a flavonoid, and could destroy cancer cells.

Other studies(Soares et al. 2015; Olas et al. 2018) also found that sea buckthorn has many antiox­idants, such as carotenoids and vitamin E, and could protect the body.

Olas et al. (2018) test-tube and animal studies found that sea buckthorn extracts could avert the spread of cancer cells. The same study found that sea buckthorn could avert healthy cells from the effects of radiotherapy, a common cancer treatment.

Others with science

Digestion- Wani et al.(2015) animal studies found that sea buck­thorn oil could prevent and treat stomach ulcers.

Menopause- Jaśniewska and Diowksz(2021) study found that Sea buckthorn reduces vaginal dry­ing and act as an effective alterna­tive treatment for postmenopausal women who cannot take estrogen.

Treat dry eyes- Solà Marsiñach and Cuenca(2015) study found that when one takes sea buckthorn daily, it reduces eye redness and burning.

Improve hair- Zielińska and Nowak(2017) study found that sea buckthorn has few amounts of lecithin, a type of fat that may remove excess oil from the hair, repair damaged hair and restore its elasticity.

Warning, sea buckthorn

Larmo et al.(2014) human study reported an increase in digestive symptoms and joint pain after tak­ing sea buckthorn oil for 3 months.

If you experience any unex­plained symptoms after ingesting sea buckthorn oil or applying it to your skin, stop using it

Take Home

Sea buckthorn is rich in differ­ent nutrients and may improve the health of your skin, immune system, liver, and heart. It may also help protect against diabetes and even certain types of cancer.


Prof. Nyarkotey has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations to justify his write-ups. My articles are for educational purposes and do not serve as Medical advice for Treatment. I aim to educate the public about evidence-based scientific Naturo­pathic Therapies.

The writer is a Professor of Naturopathic Healthcare, a Medical Journalist, and a science writer. President, Nyarkotey University College of Holistic Medicine & Technology (NUCHMT)/Afri­can Naturopathic Foundation, Ashaiman, Ghana. E. mail: pro­fessor40naturopathy@gmail.com. Visit-profnyarkotey.com for more.

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