3 groups merge to form Ghana Association of Naturopathic

Three Naturopathic Bodies on Thursday merged to become a unified body known as the Ghana Association of Naturopaths (GAN).
This followed a merger resolution signed by the three; Ghana Naturopathic Medical Association (GNMA), Naturopathic Physicians of Ghana (NPG) and Naturopathic Physicians Organisation (NPO) at the Mercedarian Spine Clinic Osu-Accra.
GAN therefore, becomes a professional body of naturopaths and Naturopathic Doctors that would help develop and promote modern naturopathy.
According to President of Nyarkotey University College of Holistic Medicines and Technology, Prof. Raphael Nyarkotey Obu, until the merger, the three bodies operated as separate naturopathic associations promoting the naturopathy.
A situation he said lacked a coordinated front in promoting and standardising naturopathy in the country which created some level of enmity in the profession, thereby militating against its promotion.
Prof. Obu stated that the new era of promoting modern naturopathy needed a strong and unified front, hence the merger was a great sign of good things to happen in the naturopathic profession in Ghana.
He emphasised that standardisation was very important in any profession and that, the merger presented a platform to discuss national standards in naturopathy to meet the global standards as advocated by the World Naturopathic Federation, (WNF) Canada.
He further said the new association would be sent to the WNF for acceptance at the global level.
President of the Ghana Association of Alternative Medicine Practitioners (GAAMP), Dr Nana-Arthur, expressed joy at the successful merger and called on other Alternative Medicine Associations to do same to help unify the profession.